Connecting Flights

Instructions on how to transfer between Manchester Airport's terminals as quickly and easily as possible for connecting flights

Connecting flights image

Transferring between terminals

Manchester Airport's three terminals are located conveniently close to one another, which means passengers have easy access if transferring. Transferring from Terminal 2 to Terminal 1 or 3 should take no more than 5 to 15 minutes, with moving walkways throughout the terminal buildings. Meanwhile, T1 and T3 are an easy two minute walk from one another. 


There's plenty of help for passengers in need of accessibility services transferring between terminals.

Find out more about accessibility for passengers travelling through Terminal 1 >

Find out more about accessibility for passengers travelling through Terminal 2 >

At the airport

Airport parking image

Airport parking

A range of convenient options, just minutes away from the terminal

Airport lounge image

Escape Lounge

Relax before you fly. Available to all passengers.