This is a mandatory course designed for security managers employed by Airports, Airlines, Airline Agents, In-Flight Caterers and cleaning contractors, who have direct managerial responsibilities for employees carrying out aviation security duties, who have previously completed the Aviation Security Managers Course within the last 36 months.
This course is a mandatory refresher follow up course from the Aviation Security Managers Course. Through successful completion of this course you will receive a certificate accredited by the DfT, which is valid for 36 months.
Our security training follows the Department for Transport’s National Aviation Security Training Programme guidelines and incorporates: -
Threat to Aviation
International & National Objectives of Aviation Security and Legislation
Security Communications
Response to Security Incidents
Legal Powers, the Role of the Police and Incident Reporting
Maintaining Effective Security Awareness
Security Restricted Area (SRA) Access Control and Security
Quality Control
Leading and Motivating Employees
Recognition of Firearms, Explosives, Incendiary Devices and Dangerous Goods
Role Specific Security
Airport Security
Aircraft Security
Air cargo Security
Air Cargo Security
In-Flight Supplies Security
Airport Supplies Security
Trainer led – Mixed training covering both theoretical and practical elements
2 Days
Simon Brooks
Business Development Manager
Tel: +44 (0)161 489 5710
Mobile: +44 (0) 7958 876 641