
How to get to and from Manchester Airport from Preston


Manchester Airport to Preston

Travelling the 40 miles between Manchester Airport and Preston city centre is a breeze with the option to drive, catch a train or hop on a coach.


By Train

It’s easy to take the train to and from Manchester Airport and Preston with direct services running daily. The route only takes an hour, making for a stress-free pre-flight journey.

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By Coach

With the most direct routes taking just over an hour, it’s super-easy to travel via coach between Manchester Airport and Preston. There are multiple services each day, some running directly and others requiring a single change.

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By Car

Driving to and from Manchester Airport and Preston is the fastest way to get between the two as most journeys take around 45 minutes, depending on traffic. The route follows either the M61 or M6, depending on how congested Manchester is, and if you don’t have your own car you can hire one from the airport. You may want to consider booking a hotel room if you have an early flight, to avoid rush-hour around Manchester.

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Useful links

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Flight information

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Manchester Airport Hotels

Wake up just minutes from the airport terminals in a comfortable airport hotel