Community Trust Fund

The Manchester Airport Community Trust Fund is a registered charity and was established to promote, enhance, improve and protect both the natural and built environment in our local community.

Manchester Airport Community Trust Fund

Each year Manchester Airports Group contributes £100,000 to the Fund; any fines levied at aircraft that have breached our stringent noise limits are also paid into the Fund. These funds are then used to support neighbourhood and community projects throughout the area.

The Trustees award grants of a maximum of £3,000.

You can contact us at

Complete the Community Trust Fund application here.


Our area

This covers an approximate 10-mile radius of the Airport, concentrating on the areas most exposed to aircraft noise - see a map showing the eligible zone.

How it works

Applications are considered four times a year by a board of Trustees from Manchester Airport and the local authorities of Stockport, Trafford, Manchester, Tameside, Cheshire East and Cheshire West Council. This means that with great local insight and expertise, the Trustees evaluate applications using their knowledge to ensure the greatest possible benefit goes to the community. For more information, please see the Community Trust Fund Annual Report.

Funding Criteria

The Community Trust Fund award grants to a maximum of £3,000. To be successful a group MUST:

  • Carry out positive work in the community and be of charitable nature and be ‘Not for Profit’ status.

  • Be Community, Socially or Environmentally focused

  • Based within the area of benefit

  • Apply for funding for tangible items of lasting benefit

The Project should offer/be:

  • Improve, enhance, protect and conserve the natural and built environment; or offer heritage conservation;

  • or promote or advance social welfare;

  • or provide better appreciation of the natural and urban environment;

  • or create a safe habitat for flora and fauna.

  • Demonstrate lasting and wide benefit to the community.

  • Benefit all members of the community regardless of race, gender or religion.

  • Be from an established group or charity able to demonstrate clear banking or financial records, and not an individual or commercial organisation working for profit.

We won’t support:

  • Running costs / salaries / training

  • One off events

  • Uniforms or kit that become used solely by one individual

Before applying please read our online process guidelines and you might like to read our Frequently Asked Questions. Projects must be for the benefit of the whole community, or a substantial section of it, and not groups of an exclusive nature.

See where UK Community Grants have been awarded grants since 1997.


1st Dane Bank Scouts (Tameside) received £1,290 toward Tents

Brookfield Quids In (Manchester) secured £1,116 for an industrial fridge

Contact Hostel (Manchester) received £1924.65 towards items to support accommodation for vulnerable young people

Jump Space (Stockport) secured a £3,000 award for an interactive floor projector

Read Easy (Stockport) received funding for adult reading resources

Silver Screen Dreams (Manchester) secured £1,500 for filmmaking equipment

Meeting Dates & Application Submission Deadlines

Meeting Date

Application submission Deadline

13th Jan 2025

13th Dec 2024

14th April 2025

14th March 2025

Community Trust Fund FAQs

Applications to the Community Trust Fund need to be submitted using our online application form available here.

The Maximum grant is £3,000.00. In 2022-23 the average award given was £1,600.

No. The Community Trust Fund have a limited pot of money and may choose to make a donation towards the project, or support some items from a wish list. Trustees like to see the groups/organisations showing that they are active in gaining funds elsewhere.

Your group either needs to own the building or have a long lease, at least 5 years left on the lease, the trustees like to see that the group have sustainability and are able to see the project through.

Community groups, voluntary groups, self-help groups, community charities or local branches of national charities are eligible to apply. Applicants need to demonstrate how they are providing something to the wider community over and above any statutory obligations, and that access is available to a wide sector of the community and not exclusively for the use of a small number of individuals.

Yes, If you are a newly formed group (less than three months) or you are unable to provide accounts to support your application, you will need to supply projection figures i.e. what you intend to spend, what activities you intend to do and where your group will seek funding to ensure the viability of the group, this needs to be at least a 2yr projection.  If you are a newly formed group (within the 12 months) you may wish to garner support from someone independent, this can be from a local councillor who knows your group or doctor/ leader or an active member within the community but they must not be related / associated to the group.

Anything which is tangible and long lasting i.e. equipment - for example white goods, play equipment, furniture etc. Please note we cannot fund applications retrospectively or reimburse costs for projects that have previously taken place. If you need further clarification as to whether your project items are eligible, please call 07958876353.

No, - the Community Trust Fund states clearly that such costs cannot be funded, examples would be - Heat, Light, Salaries, Fees, Subscriptions, Coaching fees, Football/Uniform Kits.

No, the Community Trust Fund cannot fund costs that are deemed as general maintenance i.e decorating, repairs to windows, roofs, electrical etc.

Before applications can be considered, the Trustees will need to see:-

  • a recent bank statement for the group/organisation, (we must be able to see the balance at bank, account number and sort code, along with the account holders name).

  • at least 2 quotes for the items requested,

  • clear financials i.e. income & expenditure for the group,

  • constitution, Terms of reference or Mission statement.

Trustees can review up to 30 applications at one meeting, so try to be concise and factual in your application. Photographs and supporting files can be supplied.

The Community Trust Fund meet four times a year - January, April, July, October. Once a meeting has taken place, groups will receive an e mail notifying them whether their application has been successful or otherwise. If your application has been completed correctly and all required supporting documents have been received, then the process should take no longer than 7-10 working days from the date of the meeting.

The Community Trust Fund is made up of eight trustees, who have been appointed by the local authorities of Manchester, Stockport, Trafford, Cheshire East, Cheshire West & Tameside and two members of the Airport Company Board. The Trustees evaluate applications using their knowledge to ensure the greatest possible benefit goes to the community.

For more information please contact Manchester Airport Community Trust Fund:

We would also steer you towards the £1 million Defibrillator Community Automated External Defibrillators (AED) fund, which can be found here

We are also happy to accept funding bids for defibs that will be available for public use and registered.