Information about the Manchester Airport Noise Action Plan
We are consulting on our five-year Noise Action Plan, and are seeking your views to help shape the plan. We are committed to minimising the impact of airport operations on neighbouring communities.
Our Draft Noise Action Plan covers the period from 2024–2028 and builds on previous Noise Action Plans, which set out how we will manage the effects and impact of aircraft noise and operations on communities living around the airport.
The plan includes a range of actions and measures to reduce or mitigate the impact of aircraft noise to our communities.
The current Noise Action Plan, which runs from 2019–2024, as well as the consultation draft of the new Noise Action Plan can be found in the drop-down sections below.
The Noise Action Plan is an important document for Manchester Airport. We have a range of stakeholders who have an interest in the airport and their views and comments are an important part of our planning process. We are committed to being open in sharing our plan and ensuring that it reflects the views of the airport’s users and neighbours.
The Draft Noise Action Plan (2024-2028) is available to download here along with an informational video for those who want an overview of the plan.
You can read the full technical details in the Noise Action Plan, or if you want an overview, you can watch the information video that explains each section of the plan. Both are linked on these web pages.
A Noise Action Plan is a five-year plan to assess, consider and manage aircraft noise at the airport, to reduce impacts on communities living around the Airport. It is a key part of delivering broader UK Government noise objectives that are to limit and, where possible, reduce the number of people in the UK significantly affected by aircraft noise.
The Noise Action planning process operates in five-yearly cycles. The aim is for each subsequent Noise Action Plan to build on existing progress to manage the effects of aircraft noise on people.
The Noise Action Plan is our strategy for managing aircraft noise to reduce impacts on communities living around the Airport. The plan includes specific measures or actions, which provide the airport with a clear plan to ensure that the noise impact of our operations is reduced where possible or limited.
As well as the general public we are consulting with our formal stakeholders including Airport Consultative Committees, Airlines, Airport Operators, Local Authorities and other key local representatives.
Please ensure that you submit your feedback before midnight on the 27 September 2024.
To provide feedback on the Manchester Airport NAP:
Complete our NAP feedback form here
Email us at: Please mark your correspondence as 'Noise Action Plan Consultation' or
Write to: Noise Action Plan Consultation, Community Engagement Team, Fourth Floor, Olympic House, Manchester Airport, MANCHESTER, M90 1QX
In the draft Noise Action Plan 2024–2028 you will find an appendix outlining details of all actions from the 2019–2023 Noise Action Plan and our progress against them.
All feedback will be collated and reviewed to identify key themes. Those key themes will then be reviewed to shape the final draft which is submitted to Defra. All feedback is summarised, and this summary is published in our final draft.
The airport regularly reviews progress against each of the actions. Regular reviews are also completed with the Airport’s Consultative Committee.
Yes, Noise Action Plans are a legal requirement under European Union Directive 2002/49/EC relating to the Assessment and Management of Environmental Noise. This Directive is commonly referred to as the Environmental Noise Directive or END. The requirements of the END are transposed by the UK Government in the Environmental Noise (England) Regulations 2006 as amended.
No, once NAPs are agreed with Defra, these are legally binding for the 5 years they are in place. The only exception to this is in the case of significant change or development to the airport operation, where a new NAP may be required.
The management of aircraft noise at airports is a complicated topic, encompassing many different stakeholders and operations. There is not a ‘one size fits all’ approach to a Noise Action Plan. To cover all aspects of noise management at the airport the NAP is a detailed document.
Acknowledging that this is a very technical document, once the NAP is confirmed with Defra, we will be including a summary document that provides a shorter overview of the NAP.
Public consultation will end on 27 September 2024. We will review all feedback to shape the final draft NAP which will be submitted to Defra later this year. This will be followed by a period of review by Defra, where the airport will work with Defra to clarify any points raised and agree a final NAP. The approved NAP will be formally adopted by Defra and published on our website.
Our Noise Action Plan consultation closes on 27 September. Please ensure that you submit your feedback by then.
Your views are important to us, and we welcome feedback on our draft Noise Action Plan. You can provide your feedback in the following ways:
Complete our NAP feedback form here or
Email us at: Please mark your correspondence as 'Noise Action Plan Consultation' or
Write to us: Noise Action Plan Consultation, Community Engagement Team, Fourth Floor, Olympic House, Manchester Airport, Manchester, M90 1QX
This is the third Noise Action Plan for Manchester Airport and it is based on noise maps prepared by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) showing the situation at the airport in 2016.
The Noise Action Plan includes existing and proposed measures to manage aircraft noise and shows how we intend to measure and report progress against our targets. The plan was adopted by Defra in 2019 and runs until 2023.
The Noise Action Plan, Noise Action Plan Summary and the Supplementary Information are available to download here.